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Workers Compensation & Social Security

Workers' Compensation Fraud Is No Small Matter


Workers' compensation fraud is a serious issue, which can result in permanent disqualification from receiving indemnity payments when a claimant is out of work and needs them most to pay the bills and provide for their families. In an age dominated by social media on the internet and smart phones, it is important for all workers' compensation claimants to know that insurance carriers regularly employ investigative firms to conduct video surveillance of claimants, as well as monitor information provided by claimants on social media venues such as FaceBook and My Space.

Millions of people make regular posts to their Facebook or My Space pages outlining their daily activities in detail. For workers' compensation claimants, this could lead to allegations of fraud when activities listed on their personal social media sites is inconsistent with the restrictions placed upon them by their treating physicians. All claimants should be conscious of this potential issue, and be mindful of the fact that while it is important to remain connected to friends, family and co-workers through the ease of social media, this type of information is easily discoverable by insurance companies and could lead to suspension or permanent disqualification relative to the receipt of indemnity benefits, as well as possible criminal charges.