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Workers Compensation & Social Security

Collateral Wage Loss Replacement and Medical Coverage After a Work Injury

Man in Wheelchair

After a work injury a number of alternative wage replacement benefits and medical coverage may be available, and should be pursued, if available. For example, a work injury involving a motor vehicle accident may give rise not only to a claim for negligence against the owner or driver of another vehicle, but also to a collateral claim for No-Fault insurance. A No-Fault claim may provide immediate relief relative to lost earning and medical bills while any claim for negligence or workers' compensation is pending. In like manner, unemployment benefits may also be available in certain circumstances to help an injured worker during the pendency of any negligence action or claim for workers' compensation benefits.

Claims for Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income may be available under certain circumstances following a work injury. Our office represents injured workers in connection with claims for Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income. We offer a free, no obligation case review. There is no attorney fee for representing an injured worker in connection with claims for Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income unless the claim is approved. In such event, an attorney fee is allowed only against retroactive awards and not on any future awards.

Claims for Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income are available if the disability caused by the work injury or in combination with other injuries or conditions prevents or is expected to prevent a worker from being able to return to work for over one year. It is important to obtain diagnostic testing and regular medical care with primary care physicians and other specialists during the course of the claim to ensure that medical evidence of disability will be available to be submitted to the Social Security Administration and/or administrative law judge.
